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Blood of the Railroad Workers (1979)

Movies Detail of Blood of the Railroad Workers (1979)

✓ Title : Blood of the Railroad Workers
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1979
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 123 minutes
✓ Director : Erik Solbakken
✓ Writer : Erik Solbakken
✓ Cast : Ragnhild Hilt, Henny Moan, Lars Andreas Larssen, Bjørn Floberg, Rolf Søder, Jon Eikemo, Nils Ole Oftebro, Alf Malland, Svein Tindberg, Espen Skjønberg

Synopsis of Blood of the Railroad Workers (1979)

Blood of the Railroad Workers (Norwegian: Rallarblod) is a 1979 Norwegian drama film directed by Erik Solbakken, starring Nils Ole Oftebro and Ragnhild Hilt. A group of rallare (migratory rail road workers) arrive in a small town in Norway, and cause social conflict. One of the men, Sjugur (Oftebro), stands apart as a strong, independent man. The girls like him, but he has set his sights on Innbranna (Hilt), the daughter of a wealthy landowner.

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Well, Blood of the Railroad Workers (1979) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Blood of the Railroad Workers (1979) itselft directed by Erik Solbakken and Starring by Ragnhild Hilt, Henny Moan, Lars Andreas Larssen, Bjørn Floberg, Rolf Søder, Jon Eikemo, Nils Ole Oftebro, Alf Malland, Svein Tindberg, Espen Skjønberg which made Blood of the Railroad Workers (1979) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Blood of the Railroad Workers (1979)

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