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Hammers Over the Anvil (1994)

Movies Detail of Hammers Over the Anvil (1994)

✓ Title : Hammers Over the Anvil
✓ Release Date : July 22nd, 1994
✓ Genres : Romance, Drama
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Director : Ann Turner
✓ Writers : Ann Turner, Peter Hepworth
✓ Companies : Harvest Productions Pty. Ltd., South Australian Film Corporation, Australian Film Finance Corporation
✓ Country : Australia
✓ Cast : Jake Frost, John Rafter Lee, Frank Gallacher, Kirsty McGregor, Amanda Douge, Frankie J. Holden, Russell Crowe, Alexander Outhread, Charlotte Rampling, Alethea McGrath

Synopsis of Hammers Over the Anvil (1994)

Set in the summer of 1910 in Australia the film follows the story of 14 year old Alan Marshall (Alexander Outhread) as he stumbles out of childhood towards the exciting yet forbidding world of adulthood. For Alan, despite the effects of polio, there is only one passion in life - to become a great horseman just like his hero, the reclusive horse trainer East Driscoll (Russell Crowe). Alan is one of East's few friends and also one of the few who knows about the affair between East and the aristocratic English woman Grace McAlister (Charlotte Rampling). Things inevitably take a turn towards the tragic when East becomes determined to force Grace to leave her husband and run away with him. Hammers Over The Anvil is an evocative coming of age film from Australian director Ann Turner.

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Well, Hammers Over the Anvil (1994) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Hammers Over the Anvil (1994) itselft directed by Ann Turner and Starring by Jake Frost, John Rafter Lee, Frank Gallacher, Kirsty McGregor, Amanda Douge, Frankie J. Holden, Russell Crowe, Alexander Outhread, Charlotte Rampling, Alethea McGrath which made Hammers Over the Anvil (1994) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Hammers Over the Anvil (1994)

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