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I Hired a Contract Killer (1990)

Movies Detail of I Hired a Contract Killer (1990)

✓ Title : I Hired a Contract Killer
✓ Release Date : October 12th, 1990
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 80 minutes
✓ Director : Aki Kaurismäki
✓ Writers : Aki Kaurismäki, Aki Kaurismäki, Peter von Bagh
✓ Companies : Villealfa Filmproductions, Svenska Filminstitutet, Finnkino, Esselte Video, Megamania, Pyramide Productions, Channel 4 Television, Pandora Film
✓ Countries : Finland, France, Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Angela Walsh, Nicky Tesco, Charles Cork, Michael O'Hagan, T.R. Bowen, Jean-Pierre Léaud, Kenneth Colley, Imogen Claire, Margi Clarke, Cyril Epstein

Synopsis of I Hired a Contract Killer (1990)

After fifteen years' service, Henri Boulanger is made redundant from his job. Shocked, he attempts suicide, but can't go through with it, so he hires a contract killer in a seedy bar to murder him at some unspecified time in the future. But almost immediately he meets and falls in love with Margaret, a flower-seller, which makes Henri realise that his life has some meaning after all. But when he goes back to the bar to cancel the contract, he finds it has been demolished - and there's no way he can get in touch with the killer...

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Well, I Hired a Contract Killer (1990) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The I Hired a Contract Killer (1990) itselft directed by Aki Kaurismäki and Starring by Angela Walsh, Nicky Tesco, Charles Cork, Michael O'Hagan, T.R. Bowen, Jean-Pierre Léaud, Kenneth Colley, Imogen Claire, Margi Clarke, Cyril Epstein which made I Hired a Contract Killer (1990) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

I Hired a Contract Killer (1990)

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