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Charlie Wilson's War (2007)

Movies Detail of Charlie Wilson's War (2007)

✓ Title : Charlie Wilson's War
✓ Release Date : December 19th, 2007
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama, History
✓ Runtime : 102 minutes
✓ Director : Mike Nichols
✓ Writer : Aaron Sorkin
✓ Companies : Universal Pictures, Participant Media, Playtone
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Erick Avari, John Slattery, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rachel Nichols, Amy Adams, Cyia Batten, Om Puri, Shiri Appleby, Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks

Synopsis of Charlie Wilson's War (2007)

The true story of Texas congressman Charlie Wilson's covert dealings in Afghanistan, where his efforts to assist rebels in their war with the Soviets had some unforeseen and long-reaching effects.

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Well, Charlie Wilson's War (2007) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Charlie Wilson's War (2007) itselft directed by Mike Nichols and Starring by Erick Avari, John Slattery, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rachel Nichols, Amy Adams, Cyia Batten, Om Puri, Shiri Appleby, Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks which made Charlie Wilson's War (2007) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Charlie Wilson's War (2007)

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