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Traffic 2 - Inside Child Protection (1970)

Movies Detail of Traffic 2 - Inside Child Protection (1970)

✓ Title : Traffic 2 - Inside Child Protection
✓ Release Date : Unknown
✓ Runtime : 95 minutes
✓ Cast : No Casts Available

Synopsis of Traffic 2 - Inside Child Protection (1970)

A highly controversial sequel from the creators of the original film which was eventually banned by the Judicial system. Featuring interviews from experts who have researched the multi-billion "child trafficking" industry, parents who have lost their children to the care system, whistle-blowers within the trade and many shocking secret recordings of UK public employees at work. Traffic 2 highlights what the main stream media is not allowed to cover and what the Local Authority do not want you to see. Welcome to the very dark world of "Child Protection."

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Traffic 2 - Inside Child Protection (1970)

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