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Mission Kathmandu: The Adventures of Nelly & Simon (2017)

Movies Detail of Mission Kathmandu: The Adventures of Nelly & Simon (2017)

✓ Title : Mission Kathmandu: The Adventures of Nelly & Simon
✓ Original Title : Nelly et Simon : Mission Yéti
✓ Release Date : October 5th, 2017
✓ Genres : Animation, Family, Adventure
✓ Runtime : 84 minutes
✓ Directors : Nancy Florence Savard, Pierre Greco
✓ Writers : Pierre Greco, André Morency
✓ Company : Productions 10th Ave
✓ Country : Canada
✓ Cast : Sophie Faucher, Stéphane Crête, François Trudel, Sylvie Moreau, Rachid Badouri, Alexandrine Warren, Edgar Fruitier, Lise Castonguay, Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge, Martin Boily

Synopsis of Mission Kathmandu: The Adventures of Nelly & Simon (2017)

Quebec, 1956. The impulsive and headstrong Nelly Maloye, a novice private eye, joins the methodical and pragmatic Simon Picard, a research scientist in a dubious quest to prove the existence of the elusive Yeti. The brave-hearted heroes come face-to-face with countless dangers during their trek through the heart of the Himalayas.

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Well, Mission Kathmandu: The Adventures of Nelly & Simon (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Mission Kathmandu: The Adventures of Nelly & Simon (2017) itselft directed by Nancy Florence Savard, Pierre Greco and Starring by Sophie Faucher, Stéphane Crête, François Trudel, Sylvie Moreau, Rachid Badouri, Alexandrine Warren, Edgar Fruitier, Lise Castonguay, Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge, Martin Boily which made Mission Kathmandu: The Adventures of Nelly & Simon (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Mission Kathmandu: The Adventures of Nelly & Simon (2017)

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