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Nobel's Last Will (2012)

Movies Detail of Nobel's Last Will (2012)

✓ Title : Nobel's Last Will
✓ Original Title : Nobels testamente
✓ Release Date : March 2nd, 2012
✓ Genre : Thriller
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Peter Flinth
✓ Writers : Pernilla Oljelund, Liza Marklund
✓ Country : Sweden
✓ Cast : Erik Johansson, Per Graffman, Björn Kjellman, Malin Crépin, Antje Traue, Kajsa Ernst, Felix Engström, Richard Ulfsäter, Leif Andrée, Andreas Rothlin-Svensson

Synopsis of Nobel's Last Will (2012)

While covering the annual Nobel Banquet for tabloid Kvällspressen, crime reporter Annika Bengtzon witnesses a spectacular murder right in front of her. Two people are shot, one of them the controversial Laureate in Medicine, Aaron Wiesel. Annika is the key witness and is bound by the police not to disclose anything she has seen. A terrorist group with connections to the Middle East quickly admits responsibility for the murder. International press is all over the story, as are the police.

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Well, Nobel's Last Will (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Nobel's Last Will (2012) itselft directed by Peter Flinth and Starring by Erik Johansson, Per Graffman, Björn Kjellman, Malin Crépin, Antje Traue, Kajsa Ernst, Felix Engström, Richard Ulfsäter, Leif Andrée, Andreas Rothlin-Svensson which made Nobel's Last Will (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Nobel's Last Will (2012)

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