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R2 y el caso del cadáver sin cabeza (2005)

Movies Detail of R2 y el caso del cadáver sin cabeza (2005)

✓ Title : R2 y el caso del cadáver sin cabeza
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 2005
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Director : Álvaro Sáenz de Heredia
✓ Cast : Alex Amaral, Ángel Alcázar, Javier Gurruchaga

Synopsis of R2 y el caso del cadáver sin cabeza (2005)

R2 is going through hard times: his past failures have earned the anger of the Chief Inspector. He finds consolation visiting Didi's bar to cheer listening to music, especially blues. In addition, the Chief Inspector is jealous since he knows that R2 receives letters from the Palacio de la Zarzuela. Aided by his trusty and faithful Inspector Cardenas,he tries to solve all the cases that are presented, using methods rather unorthodox, including the use of disguises. One day, he decides to solve a very interesting case: the blackmail to a rich businessman who is threatened by the kidnapping of his young wife.

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Well, R2 y el caso del cadáver sin cabeza (2005) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The R2 y el caso del cadáver sin cabeza (2005) itselft directed by Álvaro Sáenz de Heredia and Starring by Alex Amaral, Ángel Alcázar, Javier Gurruchaga which made R2 y el caso del cadáver sin cabeza (2005) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

R2 y el caso del cadáver sin cabeza (2005)

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