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La rouge et la noire (2011)

Movies Detail of La rouge et la noire (2011)

✓ Title : La rouge et la noire
✓ Release Date : June 8th, 2011
✓ Genre : Crime
✓ Runtime : 74 minutes
✓ Director : Isabelle Prim
✓ Writers : Luc Moullet, Isabelle Prim
✓ Company : Le Fresnoy
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Thora Van Male, Raymond Depardon, Julien Anselmino, Arielle Dombasle, Luc Moullet, Jean-Pierre Beauviala

Synopsis of La rouge et la noire (2011)

Carrying on Luc Moullets unfinished screenplay about the theft of la pénélope, a camera created by Aaton and capable of recording equally well in 35 mm and digitally, LA ROUGE ET LA NOIRE is a film in kaleidoscope form. The portrait of Aatons founder, Jean-Pierre Beauviala creator, inter alia, of the time-code and the light cameras used by the New Wave (in particular the bush camera specially designed for Jean Rouch) is centered around the basic plot introduced by two women thieves who talk as voice-overs, and whose identities will only be revealed at the end.

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Well, La rouge et la noire (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The La rouge et la noire (2011) itselft directed by Isabelle Prim and Starring by Thora Van Male, Raymond Depardon, Julien Anselmino, Arielle Dombasle, Luc Moullet, Jean-Pierre Beauviala which made La rouge et la noire (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

La rouge et la noire (2011)

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