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Ilona Arrives with the Rain (1996)

Movies Detail of Ilona Arrives with the Rain (1996)

✓ Title : Ilona Arrives with the Rain
✓ Original Title : Ilona llega con la lluvia
✓ Release Date : September 5th, 1996
✓ Genres : Romance, Drama
✓ Director : Sergio Cabrera
✓ Writers : Sergio Cabrera, Jorge Goldenberg, Sandro Silvestri, Alvaro Mútis, Ana Goldenberg, Maura Vespini
✓ Companies : Caracol Televisión, Fotoemme S.A.
✓ Countries : Colombia, Spain, Italy
✓ Cast : Humberto Dorado, David Riondino, Imanol Arias, Margarita Rosa de Francisco, Fausto Cabrera, Stefano Abbati, Antonino Iuorio, Mirta Ibarra, José Luis Borau, Pastora Vega

Synopsis of Ilona Arrives with the Rain (1996)

Maqroll, Ilona, and Abdul all share a common dream: to sail the world in a tramp-steamer. But who could afford such a thing? Over the years they have become separated. Alone in Panama City, smuggler Maqroll is finding neither great success nor happiness — until the tropical rains come, bringing Ilona: friend, lover, and partner in crime. Abdul, in Morocco, has found a steamer to suit them. In Panama, Ilona and Maqroll begin a new scheme, in search of impossible wealth. But fate has further twists in store.

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Well, Ilona Arrives with the Rain (1996) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Ilona Arrives with the Rain (1996) itselft directed by Sergio Cabrera and Starring by Humberto Dorado, David Riondino, Imanol Arias, Margarita Rosa de Francisco, Fausto Cabrera, Stefano Abbati, Antonino Iuorio, Mirta Ibarra, José Luis Borau, Pastora Vega which made Ilona Arrives with the Rain (1996) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Ilona Arrives with the Rain (1996)

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