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Contact High (2009)

Movies Detail of Contact High (2009)

✓ Title : Contact High
✓ Release Date : March 19th, 2009
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Michael Glawogger
✓ Writers : Michael Glawogger, Michael Ostrowski
✓ Company : Lotus-Film
✓ Countries : Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Poland
✓ Cast : Michael Ostrowski, Alexis Santiago Hernandez, Detlev Buck, Michael-Joachim Heiss, Helmut Köpping, Georg Friedrich, Jeremy Strong, Victor Varnado, Raimund Wallisch, Pia Hierzegger

Synopsis of Contact High (2009)

Gangster boss Carlos orders the dodgy Viennese junkyard owner Harry to bring him a bag from Poland. Harry passes the order on to his "best man" Schorsch. Schorsch, not exactly the brightest, is currently without a driver's license and completely fixated on the 24-hour car race of Le Mans. So he gives the order to Mao and sends in their place the takeaway lessees Hans and Max to Poland. Their journey leads to a seemingly endless drug trip full of extraordinary phenomena.

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Well, Contact High (2009) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Contact High (2009) itselft directed by Michael Glawogger and Starring by Michael Ostrowski, Alexis Santiago Hernandez, Detlev Buck, Michael-Joachim Heiss, Helmut Köpping, Georg Friedrich, Jeremy Strong, Victor Varnado, Raimund Wallisch, Pia Hierzegger which made Contact High (2009) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Contact High (2009)

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