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1603 (2017)

Movies Detail of 1603 (2017)

✓ Title : 1603
✓ Release Date : March 16th, 2017
✓ Genre : Action
✓ Directors : Danny Darren, Paul J. Lane
✓ Writers : Danny Darren, Sam Boseley
✓ Companies : Film Coolio, Baiboon Film Entertainment
✓ Countries : Iraq, United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Paul J. Lane, Mina Renoir, Danny Darren, Rachel Marquez, Jadey Duffield, Tony Fadil, Wayne Gordon, Crispian Belfrage, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Erick Hayden

Synopsis of 1603 (2017)

Haunted by the chemical attacks that claimed the lives of his family, a Kurdish sniper flees his homeland in search of a better life in the United Kingdom . However he is caught up in a terrorist plot......

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Well, 1603 (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The 1603 (2017) itselft directed by Danny Darren, Paul J. Lane and Starring by Paul J. Lane, Mina Renoir, Danny Darren, Rachel Marquez, Jadey Duffield, Tony Fadil, Wayne Gordon, Crispian Belfrage, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Erick Hayden which made 1603 (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

1603 (2017)

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