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The Daniel Connection (2015)

Movies Detail of The Daniel Connection (2015)

✓ Title : The Daniel Connection
✓ Release Date : March 1st, 2015
✓ Genres : Mystery, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 91 minutes
✓ Directors : Deborah Forrest, Stewart Menelaws
✓ Country : United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Morgan Carberry, Lee Davis, June Brogan, Jeremy Hitchen, Fenella Kerr, James Jarvie, James Jarvie, Caroline Goodall, Samantha Jane Kerr, Gareth Morrison

Synopsis of The Daniel Connection (2015)

When her best friend, an underground journalist is mysteriously killed whilst investigating alien sightings, a feisty radio presenter realizes her own life is endangered as others around her disappear and the Federal Protection Force increase in power and control. Not knowing who to trust when she discovers film footage of a secret detention center and then a troubled detective offers to help her, she finds the same subjects keep coming to the fore. A mixture of ancient mysteries and conspiracy theories masquerading as science fiction. However, the more she digs, the more she realizes that the ancient prophecies foretelling the end of this world as we know it may be frighteningly accurate. This apocalyptic thriller is based on a best selling documentary, The Daniel Project

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Well, The Daniel Connection (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Daniel Connection (2015) itselft directed by Deborah Forrest, Stewart Menelaws and Starring by Morgan Carberry, Lee Davis, June Brogan, Jeremy Hitchen, Fenella Kerr, James Jarvie, James Jarvie, Caroline Goodall, Samantha Jane Kerr, Gareth Morrison which made The Daniel Connection (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Daniel Connection (2015)

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