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Chu Chu and the Philly Flash (1981)

Movies Detail of Chu Chu and the Philly Flash (1981)

✓ Title : Chu Chu and the Philly Flash
✓ Release Date : August 28th, 1981
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : David Lowell Rich
✓ Writer : Barbara Dana
✓ Companies : Melvin Simon Productions, 20th Century Fox
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Adam Arkin, Alan Arkin, Vito Scotti, Jack Warden, Carol Burnett, Danny Aiello, Danny Glover, Ruth Buzzi, Vincent Schiavelli, Sid Haig

Synopsis of Chu Chu and the Philly Flash (1981)

Chu Chu and the Philly Flash is a 1981 comedy film starring Alan Arkin, Carol Burnett, Jack Warden, Ruth Buzzi, and Danny Aiello. It was released in 1981 by 20th Century Fox. Arkin plays a down-his-luck former baseball player and Burnett plays a Carmen Miranda-style performer. The film was panned by critics and was not a box office success. Many of the scenes, particularly the exterior scenes of "Chu Chu" home, were filmed in San Francisco's Potrero Hill district.

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Well, Chu Chu and the Philly Flash (1981) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Chu Chu and the Philly Flash (1981) itselft directed by David Lowell Rich and Starring by Adam Arkin, Alan Arkin, Vito Scotti, Jack Warden, Carol Burnett, Danny Aiello, Danny Glover, Ruth Buzzi, Vincent Schiavelli, Sid Haig which made Chu Chu and the Philly Flash (1981) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Chu Chu and the Philly Flash (1981)

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