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Best Day Ever - Aiden Kesler 1994 - 2011 (2011)

Movies Detail of Best Day Ever - Aiden Kesler 1994 - 2011 (2011)

✓ Title : Best Day Ever - Aiden Kesler 1994 - 2011
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 2011
✓ Cast : No Casts Available

Synopsis of Best Day Ever - Aiden Kesler 1994 - 2011 (2011)

Comedy - Recently diagnosed with cancer, free-spirited teen Aiden Kesler grabs his video camera, his two best friends and documents their best day ever. Unaware of Aiden's cancer, his friends quickly jump on board, skip school and enjoy their day off. After challenging the school bully to a fight, Aiden continues to push his own boundaries and those of his friends as the day begins to spiral out of control. - Andrew MacFarlane, Jarod Joseph, Christie Burke

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Best Day Ever - Aiden Kesler 1994 - 2011 (2011)

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