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Jealousy and Medicine (1973)

Movies Detail of Jealousy and Medicine (1973)

✓ Title : Jealousy and Medicine
✓ Original Title : Zazdrość i medycyna
✓ Release Date : September 24th, 1973
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : Janusz Majewski
✓ Writers : Janusz Majewski, Michał Choromański
✓ Company : Studio Filmowe Tor
✓ Country : Poland
✓ Cast : Grazyna Staniszewska, Andrzej Mrowiec, Mariusz Dmochowski, Edmund Fetting, Bogusław Sochnacki, Andrzej Łapicki, Ewa Krzyżewska, Piotr Kąkolewski, Włodzimierz Boruński

Synopsis of Jealousy and Medicine (1973)

In 1930s, a doctor has an affair with the wife of a wealthy industrialist in Poland.

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Well, Jealousy and Medicine (1973) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Jealousy and Medicine (1973) itselft directed by Janusz Majewski and Starring by Grazyna Staniszewska, Andrzej Mrowiec, Mariusz Dmochowski, Edmund Fetting, Bogusław Sochnacki, Andrzej Łapicki, Ewa Krzyżewska, Piotr Kąkolewski, Włodzimierz Boruński which made Jealousy and Medicine (1973) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Jealousy and Medicine (1973)

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