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El sobre verde (1971)

Movies Detail of El sobre verde (1971)

✓ Title : El sobre verde
✓ Release Date : February 26th, 1971
✓ Genres : Comedy, Music
✓ Runtime : 93 minutes
✓ Directors : Rafael Gil, Pablo G. Zamora, Jaime D'Ors, José Royo
✓ Writers : Rafael J. Salvia, Manuel Parada, Jacinto Guerrero, Joaquín Jiménez, Enrique Paradas
✓ Company : Coral Producciones Cinematográficas
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Esperanza Roy, Goyo Lebrero, Guadalupe Muñoz Sampedro, Alfonso del Real, Beni Deus, Carlos Ballesteros, Tony Leblanc, Pedrín Fernández, Venancio Muro, Mary Paz Pondal

Synopsis of El sobre verde (1971)

In the Apollo Theater during the performance of "green envelope", a child is born, son of the actress who plays the goddess of Fortune. His father calls him Fortunato as he believes that he will have a privileged life. But unfortunately, the opposite happens.

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Well, El sobre verde (1971) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The El sobre verde (1971) itselft directed by Rafael Gil, Pablo G. Zamora, Jaime D'Ors, José Royo and Starring by Esperanza Roy, Goyo Lebrero, Guadalupe Muñoz Sampedro, Alfonso del Real, Beni Deus, Carlos Ballesteros, Tony Leblanc, Pedrín Fernández, Venancio Muro, Mary Paz Pondal which made El sobre verde (1971) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

El sobre verde (1971)

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