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Asphalt Tango (1996)

Movies Detail of Asphalt Tango (1996)

✓ Title : Asphalt Tango
✓ Original Title : Asfalt Tango
✓ Release Date : November 13th, 1996
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : Nae Caranfil
✓ Writer : Nae Caranfil
✓ Companies : Domino Film, Studioul Cinematografic București
✓ Countries : France, Romania
✓ Cast : Florin Călinescu, Delia Nartea, Cătălina Răhăianu, Adina Cartianu, Charlotte Rampling, Mircea Diaconu, Marthe Felten

Synopsis of Asphalt Tango (1996)

A desperate husband chases a bus full of beautiful women headed for Paris, France.

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Well, Asphalt Tango (1996) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Asphalt Tango (1996) itselft directed by Nae Caranfil and Starring by Florin Călinescu, Delia Nartea, Cătălina Răhăianu, Adina Cartianu, Charlotte Rampling, Mircea Diaconu, Marthe Felten which made Asphalt Tango (1996) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Asphalt Tango (1996)

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