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The Home Teachers (2004)

Movies Detail of The Home Teachers (2004)

✓ Title : The Home Teachers
✓ Release Date : January 9th, 2004
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 82 minutes
✓ Directors : Brian Brough, Kurt Hale, Eric S. Johnston, Tyler Keegan
✓ Writers : John E. Moyer, Kurt Hale
✓ Company : Halestorm Entertainment
✓ Cast : Alex Darrow, Richard J. Clifford, Jentri Harding, Jeff Birk, Michael Birkeland, Michael Flynn, Emerson Brian, Jimmy Chunga, Jim Bennett, Danny Allen

Synopsis of The Home Teachers (2004)

Stocky Greg's passion is football, and he rounds up his family from their respective church meetings and rushes home just in time to make the kick-off of the Sunday afternoon Vikings game. He has just planted himself in front of his massive television screen scarfing down chicken when his new home teaching companion, Nelson, calls to inform him that he has set an appointment to visit the Mori family in 15 minutes. Mormon males serving as home teachers are admonished to visit with their assigned families once a month, bring them a spiritual message, and provide help as necessary. Nelson, a nerdy "letter of the law" kind of Mormon who will not even purchase gas on a Sunday, intends to visit 100 % of his assigned families every month, and as this is the last day of the month even the many madcap mishaps that start immediately will not deter him from completing his duty despite Greg's griping and attempts to get back to the games.

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Well, The Home Teachers (2004) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Home Teachers (2004) itselft directed by Brian Brough, Kurt Hale, Eric S. Johnston, Tyler Keegan and Starring by Alex Darrow, Richard J. Clifford, Jentri Harding, Jeff Birk, Michael Birkeland, Michael Flynn, Emerson Brian, Jimmy Chunga, Jim Bennett, Danny Allen which made The Home Teachers (2004) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Home Teachers (2004)

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