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The Farmer (1977)

Movies Detail of The Farmer (1977)

✓ Title : The Farmer
✓ Release Date : March 8th, 1977
✓ Genre : Action
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Director : David Berlatsky
✓ Writers : George Fargo, Janice Eymann, John Carmody
✓ Cast : Gary Conway, Stratton Leopold, Michael Dante, George Memmoli, Ray McIver, Dave Graig

Synopsis of The Farmer (1977)

Kyle Martin returns as a silver star hero, but realizes running a one man farm is not profitable, and the bank wants to foreclose, despite returning as a hero. Then a gambler Johnny has a car accident near his farm, in which Kyle saves his life, in which Johnny offers him 1,5000 dollars, which still isn't enough to save the farm. Then when Johnny past-post on a horse race for over $50,000, angering local mobster Passini as he and his three henchmen kills Johnny's bodyguard and then blinds Johnny's eyes with acid to "make a example out of him", Johnny asks his girl Betty to ask Kyle to kill Prassini and his men one by one for $50,000, the money he needs to save his farm, which sets the path for revenge. Written by serpent 5

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Well, The Farmer (1977) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Farmer (1977) itselft directed by David Berlatsky and Starring by Gary Conway, Stratton Leopold, Michael Dante, George Memmoli, Ray McIver, Dave Graig which made The Farmer (1977) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Farmer (1977)

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