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All Stars 2: Old Stars (2011)

Movies Detail of All Stars 2: Old Stars (2011)

✓ Title : All Stars 2: Old Stars
✓ Release Date : October 10th, 2011
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 123 minutes
✓ Director : Jean van de Velde
✓ Writer : Jean van de Velde
✓ Companies : All Yours Film, M&B FILM3 BV
✓ Country : Netherlands
✓ Cast : Frits Lambrechts, Raymi Sambo, Peter Paul Muller, Kasper van Kooten, Danny de Munk, Thomas Acda, Kees Boot, Cas Jansen, Antonie Kamerling, Daniël Boissevain

Synopsis of All Stars 2: Old Stars (2011)

In All Stars 2 Old Stars, the unexpected wedding of one of the boys means they treat themselves to an ‘old-fashioned training camp’ in the form of a long weekend in Barcelona. The match between Barcelona and Real Madrid is meant to be the high point of the trip. But of course not everything goes according to plan for the Swift Boys.

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Well, All Stars 2: Old Stars (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The All Stars 2: Old Stars (2011) itselft directed by Jean van de Velde and Starring by Frits Lambrechts, Raymi Sambo, Peter Paul Muller, Kasper van Kooten, Danny de Munk, Thomas Acda, Kees Boot, Cas Jansen, Antonie Kamerling, Daniël Boissevain which made All Stars 2: Old Stars (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

All Stars 2: Old Stars (2011)

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